Thursday, April 7, 2011


I have a confession that may surprise some of you: I hate to exercise.

This may sound totally strange coming from someone who ran 15 marathons last year but I don't consider running to be exercise. A lot of people left comments or tweeted me that I can use this time to swim or bike or do something else besides running. But everything else feels like exercise and I hate to exercise. I thought maybe I would do some upper body strength stuff, but I think I've done 15 push-ups total in the last 2+ weeks. I also wanted to get into consistent core work which is supposed to help the running, but my back/neck is still not 100% after the horse fall.

I don't run to stay fit (except to stay fit enough to run). I don't run to keep my weight down. Though I'm glad it is good for you, I don't even run for all the unseen health benefits running (lower cholesterol, longer life, etc) gives you. This makes it very hard for me to muster up any will to do any other form of exercise.

As such, I've been a bit of a couch potato the last two weeks and am really, really itching to get out for a run. I don't run for many healthy reasons but apparently it helps to keep me feeling good because I feel like a big ball of BLAH. You'd think the threat of loss of fitness which would negatively impact my running would be enough to motivate me. But no. And truthfully, I don't think I can really swim or bike without moving my ankle in ways the doctor wanted me to avoid.

My ankle is continuing to do better. I almost feel like it is in a cast because I am tightly wrapping it per doctor's orders every waking moment of the day and only get to see it for about 20 minutes every other day when I change the tape.

My supplies for taping and ankle brace wearing. Welcome to my new life.

I have another 1.5 weeks before my first run back...


Becka said...

I don't especially like to exercise either. I've been on the couch all week. Blah. Hope you feel better soon.

Hef's Mom said...

You know, I like to exercise, I just do about 20 minutes of stretches/crunches type of stuff. I just finished up and I feel good. I liked running too but exercise works better for my schedule. Maybe if your ankle doesn't hurt too much you could walk at least?

Nicole said...

hang in there hun!! <3

RG said...

awwww ... 1 1/2 weeks is forever!

Good luck.

dawn @ running the dawn said...

blah is right!

i'm totally with you...i run, but it's not for "fitness" it is just so that i can run. i like to accomplish things and running just happens to be the thing that i makes lists and goals and schedules with.

you'll make it through this!

Mica said...

I don't like to exercise either! I'm hoping I can learn to like other activities that involve fitness (like, uh biking? hiking?), but so far, nothing is as convenient and (mostly) satisfying as running.

Hope you're on the mend!!

Runner Leana said...

I'm so sorry about your ankle! I hope it continues to improve!!

EndorphinBuzz said...

Hope you feel better soon. I used to dread the pool when I was training for a tri and now I go just for fun :)