Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Foot & Squeezies

It seemed to confuse a lot of people so I'd just like to clear it all up by saying that the previous post was a picture of the top of Mario's head (profile shot).  The brown fur on the far lower left is the patch above his eye.  That was actually an older photo of Mario but he is definitely going through a shed again.  I held him hostage in the bathroom (tiled floor vs. carpeting elsewhere in the apt) and gave him a good brushing today.

I am optimistic about my foot.  During my Sunday run the discomfort started further into the run than it had on my Friday long run.  The level of discomfort was also greatly diminished vs. Friday.  During today's run I had ZERO pain!  The big test will be tomorrow.  It will be the first time I'm running consecutive days since the foot flared up.  I am far from home free with it, but I'm glad it has been improving each day and not worsening.

I bit the bullet and got a pair of recovery socks and compression sleeves.  I had to get both because I wanted the socks for the foot issue & the sleeves to sleep in (possibly run in) and wear under my pants to work.  I hate having socks on when I sleep but don't think I'll mind the sleeves.  Everyone has been raving about compression leg thingies lately I had to jump on the train, too.

I also realize I need to start incorporating more stretching into my regimen.  Sometimes I do it, most of the time I don't.  That is definitely something I need to address.  I also want to start cross-training more.  The whole swimming and biking thing didn't go so well so this time I'm thinking yoga or pilates.  I used to do pilates and enjoyed it & have heard a lot of great things about yoga.  I am quite possibly the most inflexible person so that will be an interesting adventure.  Does anyone know any good pilates or yoga DVD's (there is no way I'm going to a class!).


Anonymous said...

Yay! That's great news about the foot!

I started yoga recently, but I go for classes so I don't really have any DVDs to recommend :(

Mica said...

Great news about the foot!

I'm also really bad about stretching (and trying to get better) and really bad about crosstraining (also trying to get better). I used to do Mari Winsor with my friend last year. It's helpful but kind of comical. I've also heard good things about Ana Cabán, though the one time I tried it, I cursed her to hell.

Southbaygirl said...

i vote for pilates-I've done it and love it and wish I could do it now-but silly work is getting in the way!

Marlene said...

Awesome news that your foot is coming along. Fingers crossed for continued progress!

I've been eyeing those socks & sleeves for a while now. I'll be interested to hear how you like them.

Anonymous said...


there is actually a yoga program on fit tv (i dont know if you have that in your area) - we tivo it daily and the kids and I have been doing it together

d. moll, l.ac. said...

Check out dynamic stretching vs static stretching. Stretching can be very controversial. Thanks for the product tip, my lower legs can get a bit swollen after Martial Arts (the floor is cement), I going to try one of these!

Chocolate & Chants said...

Yay for no pain in the foot! Let us know how the recovery socks & compression sleeves work!

I don't know any yoga DVD's, but I suggest you look for a 'yoga for runners' type of thing.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Question about the recovery socks: do you know if they're sized by street shoe or by running shoe? I'm interested in buying some and it makes a difference whether I would need small or medium.

Fez and the Gang said...

Mom uses the bathroom for torture too! She puts us in the bathtub... evil humans.

Alisa said...

Yay about the foot!

I may need to get some recovery socks.

As for DVDs I have several. I can email you if you're interested in the list. I can also make copies and send them to you (I did for Aron).

RG said...

Well MArio must be a fine looking fellow after the forced brushing.

Golleeee .. it seems like 5 minutes of stretching before a run .. after a short warm up like a walk to your starting point ... would make a big difference .. quads, calfs, and hamstrings at least ... then again at the end. Over time your running form would probably be more fluid and easy.

Marathon Maritza said...

Glad you rain with no pain and I can't wait to hear how those socks work out! I just ordered my first pair as well and can't wait to try them out....they better work, they aren't cheap!

I need to stretch more also...let's be stretch buddies! Every night before getting into bed, streeeeeeeetch...deal?

Anonymous said...

yay! glad your foot is feeling better! i have been loving my compression socks and hopefully you love yours too! I have taken up yoga and it has helped out a ton with the becoming more flexible..I take it at the gym, so I can't recommend any good dvds..sorry :(

ShirleyPerly said...

Yay for no foot pain!!

I stretch now regularly as part of my strength training routine but admit it was tough to get started initially. We have this one DVD that's part of the Spinerval series called Flexible Warrior that's for triathletes and endurance athletes that's pretty good. It's not cheap, though (avail. from Amazon).