Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 6, Stepping (Gently) On The Gas Pedal

Sunday: 7 miles @ 10:48 pace

Tuesday: 8 miles @ 10:12 pace; Technically this week didn't have a tempo or interval run since I guess I'm supposed be enjoying the lower mileage/lower effort after last week's 20 miler. But I decided I didn't want to trot around in the 11:00's this run. I was going for something more like 10:30 but ended up keeping a slightly faster pace. I am generally pretty happy when a conversational pace for me is somewhere in the high 9:00's-low 10:00's so am trying to start making myself run a little faster to get back to that level.

Wednesday: 8 miles @ 10:36 pace; This was supposed to be a recovery type run. I was pretty happy about my pace on Tuesday's run and was shooting for something in the 10:40's. I was doing pretty well the first half of the run while I listened to an episode of the podcast RunRunLive (just found this one and love it!). However the second half of my run I listened to a song from Hella Sound. I'm planning to write more about this later but let me just say that I found it impossible to not pick up the pace while listening to the music.

Friday: 8 miles @ 10:11 pace; Since this is a cut back week I had a brief reprieve from double-digit long runs this week. I again listened to my Hella Sound music at the end of my run and the last three miles were all sub 10:00 pace. Huzzah!

I have to say this has been an awesome week of running. One thing I've learned over the years is that not all runs can be good runs. But that also means that not all runs can be bad ones. I have been blessed with a week full of runs where I felt free, happy, and strong. I think this week served its purpose -- I'm ready to hit another high mileage week.

So I am officially 50% through my SFM training plan. Man, the time went so fast!! I will admit that the mileage looks a little scary from here on out. You'll notice there were a lot of 8 milers this week. Next week there are a lot of 9 milers. The week or so after that, a lot of 10 milers. In fact, I will not run less than 8 miles at a time until taper week. For the first time I'm intentionally doing a two week taper. So far I'm enjoying this 4 day a week, higher average mileage each day plan. The next few weeks we'll see if I enjoy the three 20 milers, two week taper part of the plan.


Chris Russell said...

Gotta stay away from that tempo music!

RG said...

Lookin good! You've got distance and a good speed. Now to just get miles under your belt. Endurance.

Ought to be a fine race if you stay healthy!

Good luck!

The Bunns said...

Get a big old mean dog to chase you around! That'll get you in shape fast!

Marlene said...

Running no less than 8-milers! Wow, that sounds intimidating. Sounds like you're ready for it!

Great week and good luck on week 7.

Runner Leana said...

Congratulations on a great week of running! I love it when that happens and things just feel like they all come together.

Wow, can't believe you are halfway there already! Keep up the good work.

Alisa said...

Yay for a great week of running. Half way done that is amazing and scary to think that race will be here before we know it.

P.S. I promise to get you the yoga DVD soon.

X-Country2 said...

The training is all downhill from here! It'll be here before you know it. Good luck.

ShirleyPerly said...

Wonderful to hear you had a great week of running! It sure does seem like time is flying. And I definitely agree that not all runs are good runs (for me, esp. in sweltering heat after a long bike ride).

Keep working it, RB!!