Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Speaking Of Carrots...

Sadly I did not save a piece of the purple carrot for myself to try. I know! I didn't even think about it until after Mario had rubbed his furry butt all over the thing. So we can only assume it tastes just like an orange one. I asked Mario about it and he wasn't talking.

Perhaps Mario is not chatting about carrots because he is a little miffed about a new development over here. Turns out he has to share his carrot stash with what I consider to be a giant bunny. And when I say "giant" I mean "GIANT!"

Introducing my new friend, Wings!

I believe I have mentioned it before, but I used to ride horses when I was younger. I took riding lessons from the age of 10-21. When I was a kid I lived for horses. My entire room was filled with horse posters, books, models, etc. Towards the end of undergrad and certainly in the years after I had less time and $ for horses and the whole things sort of teetered off.

Then when I got really serious about running I was afraid to return to the sport for fear of falling off and not being able to run. And if I am being truthful, this is really still a big concern for me. But I've gotten to the point where I realize this running thing is not a phase and if I keep that frame of thought I might never spend time with horses again.

I used to jump when I was younger. I thought about it and probably 80% of the times I have fallen off a horse were associated with jumping. So I'm sticking to flatwork now. Also, in 10+ years of riding I think I hurt myself once in such a way that I wouldn't have been able to run (thought I broke a toe once). Those are pretty good odds, I think.

I looked into taking lessons again but they are uber expensive. I have never been into horse showing so don't really care what I look like when I ride a horse. I really just wanted to do some pleasure riding. So I looked into leasing a horse. I pay a flat rate every month and get to ride Wings 2-3x/week. When I was younger I begged my parents for a horse of my own. This is the closest I've gotten to having my own horse (and honestly in a financial sense it is much better than having my own horse) and has been lots of fun.

I started this lease during my taper for Santa Rosa. From then until about the end of October I have not and will not be doing serious during-the-week mileage. I am not sure how riding will fit into the schedule once my training ramps up again in the late fall/winter. For example, one of the days I ride is also my long run day. The longest I've run before riding so far is 10-12 miles. I am not sure if I will be able to go riding after a 20 mile long run. So it is unclear whether this is going to be something I can enjoyably balance in my life, but we'll see.

But Mario lovers, do not fret. Mario gets two baby carrots a day and I typically take four out for Wings. So really, pound for pound Mario is still the Carrot King.


Heather said...

Sounds like a good match. Have fun.

Jo Lynn said...

"until after Mario had rubbed his furry butt all over the thing". LOLOL

Chocolate & Chants said...

Oooooh!! Wings is a cutie! Enjoy!

Jumping is scary and most of my falls (and injuries) have been from jumping as well. Now that I have developed a sense of self preservation, I just don't think it's worth it to jump just for the heck of it.

But somehow, getting up out of the saddle, leaning over, and hitting a ball while at full speed seems to be the smart thing to do...

Anonymous said...

I never knew you could lease a horse! That is so awesome you're getting back to something that you love. Wings is adorable :)

Nicole said...

Awwwww! I love horses!!! :-)

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Wow, I didn't know one could lease the use of a horse. I thought you either owned or had to go out on a guided ride.

Happy trails!

Lisa said...

That's so cool, I've never heard of leasing a horse.

Horses ARE giant bunnies!

cliff said...

you have a monday mario, you should think about having a wednesday wings! or is that too much pressure, since sometimes you seem to barely squeak in the monday marios (not to mention skipping them for a couple weeks).

it's good you're leasing wings though, since you will always have the option to just go riding.

it's also good you decided to get back into something you enjoy doing.

you should introduce mario to wings. just make sure you take a picture (or video) doing it, so we can see what happens!

Mica said...

That's so cool! I'm glad you're going back to something that you enjoyed. It sounds like great fun.

And leasing a horse? Who knew...

dawn @ running the dawn said...

so amazing that you can get back to something that you love so much! and fun to realize that running has become more than just a "phase"! good for you. can't wait to hear more stories and pictures!

Alyssa said...

RoadBunner! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice welcome to the city! Do you live here, too? Ron was telling me of one other person who lives in the city who I could maybe run with -- I have a feeling it's you?! Are you running the U.S. Half in November?

Trust me... I'm not fast at all. :)The hills here are so hard! I recently found the awesome DSE races and I want to do more of them as well! Let me know if you're ever in the mood to race one...



RG said...

Riding, Running, and Rabbits ... nice ring to it!!!

Sarah Woulfin said...

I love horses. Such a great idea to lease a horse. enjoy!!