Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Mario

Look at these lovely running shoes all lined up.  Must mark them as my own.

Oh, that's a ripe one.  Must be the long run pair.

On to the next one.  Sacrifice applies to not just runners, but shoe-chinning rabbits, too.


naomi said...

Do you have different pairs of shoes designated for specific types of runs? How do you determine which shoes to wear for a specific type of workout?

Cate said...

I love him

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Tid loved running shoes, too. I think our sheltered indoor bunnies like the smell of outdoors that we bring in on well-worn shoes.

Have a lovely week, Mario!

Jade said...

Mr. Mick approves of proper chinning etiquette--I think either rabbits actually like the smell of stinky feet or they think chinning eliminates the smell; Mick is always quick to chin the boy's shoes, no matter how ripe they may be!

Scout and Sage said...

However do you resist chewing on them, Mario? Scout could never resist a nice running shoe chew..

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love the expression on Mario's face in that second photo!

RG said...

There is a Saucony Ad. here ....

("I don't know, I'm just a rabbit. But they surely SMELL better than Asics.")