Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It Starts

Many, many people have tried to suck me into this reading craze.  I've been sort of anti-buy books for a while now (since I generally read them once and never again) so the library is my new BFF.  You cannot imagine how many people have these books on hold!  I thought it would take a year to get to me.  But out of the blue I got an email saying I was first in line.  Of course, I hadn't requested the other three so probably have a few months wait before I can read the rest of them.  I started last night (and didn't get too far in before hitting the hay) and am looking forward to discovering the craze.

I also owe everyone a review of Kathrine Switzer's "Marathon Woman."  It was awesome!  By far the best running book I've read so far.  If you're a runner I highly recommend it.  If you're a woman runner I highly, highly recommend it.  And if you're a woman marathoner Mario will not allow you to ever snorgle him until you've read it.  Trust me, the snorgles are worth it!  I have always been aware of the story but never really realized how deeply the discrimination against women in running went until I read this book.  It makes me appreciate things I take for granted (like sending in a race application and checking "F" for female).


Mica said...

I was really NOT into the Twilight series. (I read them all, but I kept getting angry and finally put it in the bathroom.)

I bought "Marathon Woman", but I haven't had time to read it. I'm waiting for spring break--glad to know that it's a good read!

d. moll, said...

One of my students gave me Twilight to read, I have to admit I consumed it in about a day, a sort of guilty pleasure. But I did make quite an impression on the girls for having read it and being able to discuss it with them. I've read all but the last one.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Thanks for the reminder to put Marathon Woman on my wish list!

Fez and the Gang said...

Mom read Twilight... she said she was entertained but it was no "Harry Potter"...

Scholarly, isn't she!

Anonymous said...

I heart Edward!!!! sigh...another man we cna share besides Pftiz! lol

I must check "marathon women" out sounds like a good read and some motivation during training :)

Aron said...

I looooove the whole series :)

Runner Leana said...

Ohhh, I love the Twilight series so far. Just recently started into the second book. Maybe we can start a book exchange and as I get through the rest of the series we can swap out.

Unknown said...

Have fun with the Twilight series. I loved it in all it's cheesy glory.

Alisa said...

Oh man...I resisted Twilight for soooo long but then gave in and couldn't put them down for like 4 days! I kept saying...'this is so stupid, I can't put it down.' Book 4 is my least favorite.


Anonymous said...

you should get the "books" in audio format and listen to them while you're running! multitask!

ShirleyPerly said...

I'm not into reading much either these days but for a Mario snorgle I might do it :-)

RG said...

What difference 40 years has made ....

Anonymous said...

i just read the extra mile by pam reed, an ultramarathoner woman, awesome book, really quick read.

Deb Cushman said...

Deb's listening to book four on CD in the car -- about halfway through now. Have to have something in common to talk about with the teen girls at school!

Marathon Maritza said...

Just get ready to read them all, because you WILL read them all!

Also, I have them if you want to borrow and not wait for the library. (Because I don't know about you, but after book 1, I pretty much went STRAIGHT into book 2 without so much as a breath! Hahaha!)